Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Change of Heart?

The latest news is that jobs have been reinstated by the Barclays, is this a change of heart?

We certainly hope so and just before Christams it would be most welcome to the families of those affected.

Watch this space for more news!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Local Politician Fights Back!

Guernsey Deputy Dave Jones today stood up for Sark residents in their fight against the Barclay Brothers.

The first real comment from a States of Guernsey politician was reported in The Guernsey Press 'Opinion' Column today.

Deputy Jones hit out at the undemocratic tactics of the billionaire brothers and assured the people of Sark that their 'big brother' Guernsey would not sit back and see them bullied.

"You see, we are used to dealing with people who have lots of money and we aren't easily impressed." said Deputy Jones. He also accused the Barclays of 'colonial arrogance' and the local paper of holding an 'obseqious position' for fear of being eaten by the media magnet's empire.

So for Guersney Deputy Dave Jones, we have just one word.....'Respect'!


Friday, December 19, 2008

Bad Form - Barclays!

The latest reports from the islands suggest that most if not all those discarded by the Billionaire Barclay brothers have now found work - that is good news!

The debate continues over the rights and wrongs of the bully boys' investments in the tiny island of Sark. What is clear is that the issue isn't about what they have or haven't done for the island nor is it about what they would or would not continue to do for the island.

The issue is about the tactics they employed to get their own way.

Most Sarkies would probably (if secretly) have supported the Brothers if they had managed the whole thing differently. For two, no doubt astute businessmen, they have been remarkable stupid in the way they have handled this. The reputations around the world have been tarnished and locally they will be regarded as parhiars in the adopted community they now call home.

In situation like this, there is only one honourable course of action. Admit you were wrong, restore the jobs you discarded with such insensitivity, and set about improving relations locally before the situation gets even worse.

This would take courage and would not be accomplished overnight but it is the right thing to do.

Whether or not their ambitions for Sark were worthy, it is their behaviour in the wake of a democratic election that is unquestionably callous.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sark was 'going nowhere'!

This somewhat ridiculous statement has been made in defence of the Twin Barclay Brother's attack on democracy last week.

Anyone who knows Sark loves it precisely because it was 'going nowhere', it's not really the place for anyone wanting a career in the fast lane! No cars, very few businesses and a peaceful lifestyle shared by a few hundred inhabitants.

Yet the local press is now ruminating about how Sark will revert to it's former dismal state without the Barclay's Billions. This despite assurances from those who have actually run the island for many years that money so far invested has done little to benefit the island.

It was not so very long ago there was no ostentatious Castle dominating Breqhou and Sark was considered a haven in the modern world. People went to live there to escape the modern world, hiding away behind the high hedges of their country homes until the 1000+ day trippers returned to Guernsey and Jersey each day. Somehow it managed without Michelin Star Restaurants and posh hotels. Even the old island hall/bar managed to maintain an atmosphere somehow missing from the concrete sports hall donated by the Barclays, well 'sort of donated' (they didn't get their way with that either!)

Now progress and change is apparently the order of the day. Or is this more to do with the fear in the local media that to fight these wealthy tycoons would be too dangerous for their own publications? If this story had been about a third world democracy fighting for it's independence, I suspect most of the press would have piled in to condemn the fat cats, but this is a little too close to home and it might be unwise to take on these two heavy weight media magnets.

Better to keep them onside, after all it's only Sark, it's only democracy, and the Sarkees shouldn't have bitten the hands that feed them.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Barclay Brothers oust Feudal System for Dictatorship

Billionaire twin brothers owning London's Ritz Hotel and newspapers including the Daily Telegraph, have thrown 100 people out of work in the tiny island of Sark - why? Because they didn't like the outcome of the island's first ever democratic election!

What is staggering is that they campaigned for the elections for many months lobbying the UK Privy Council and taking out full page advertisements in the local newspaper to convince everyone to scrap Europe's last remaining Feudal system. The tiny island 9 miles from the channel island of Guernsey operated a feudal system for over 400 years before the Barclays Brothers arrived and built their own private castel on Breqhou in Sark's waters.

After pressurising locals with threats of withdrawing their investments if 'their candidates' weren't voted in, they were apparantly enraged that Sark residents refused to be harrassed and exercised their new found democratic rights to 'Just Say No' to bullies.

It has cost them dear with the immediate closure of local businesses, throwing more than 100 people out of work just before Christmas. Their henchman justified this action by blaming the locals for not yielding to the Brother's wishes. Twentyfive percent of the island's workforce has been dumped as a result.

Poised above the famous Gouliot Caves and separated by a tiny fast flowing passage the billionaire's Castle is a veritable fortress. Their vast wealth and media empire is such that even the bold and independent press will think twice before headlining this scandal. Other newspapers have been gobbled up simply to teach them to 'tow the line'.

Should the very wealthy have the power to usurp democracy and the freedom of the press?

We will be watching to see how the world protects it's newest, fledgling, democracy against the overwhelming threat from the excesses of the billionaire twin brothers.
