Friday, December 19, 2008

Bad Form - Barclays!

The latest reports from the islands suggest that most if not all those discarded by the Billionaire Barclay brothers have now found work - that is good news!

The debate continues over the rights and wrongs of the bully boys' investments in the tiny island of Sark. What is clear is that the issue isn't about what they have or haven't done for the island nor is it about what they would or would not continue to do for the island.

The issue is about the tactics they employed to get their own way.

Most Sarkies would probably (if secretly) have supported the Brothers if they had managed the whole thing differently. For two, no doubt astute businessmen, they have been remarkable stupid in the way they have handled this. The reputations around the world have been tarnished and locally they will be regarded as parhiars in the adopted community they now call home.

In situation like this, there is only one honourable course of action. Admit you were wrong, restore the jobs you discarded with such insensitivity, and set about improving relations locally before the situation gets even worse.

This would take courage and would not be accomplished overnight but it is the right thing to do.

Whether or not their ambitions for Sark were worthy, it is their behaviour in the wake of a democratic election that is unquestionably callous.


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