Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Barclay Brothers oust Feudal System for Dictatorship

Billionaire twin brothers owning London's Ritz Hotel and newspapers including the Daily Telegraph, have thrown 100 people out of work in the tiny island of Sark - why? Because they didn't like the outcome of the island's first ever democratic election!

What is staggering is that they campaigned for the elections for many months lobbying the UK Privy Council and taking out full page advertisements in the local newspaper to convince everyone to scrap Europe's last remaining Feudal system. The tiny island 9 miles from the channel island of Guernsey operated a feudal system for over 400 years before the Barclays Brothers arrived and built their own private castel on Breqhou in Sark's waters.

After pressurising locals with threats of withdrawing their investments if 'their candidates' weren't voted in, they were apparantly enraged that Sark residents refused to be harrassed and exercised their new found democratic rights to 'Just Say No' to bullies.

It has cost them dear with the immediate closure of local businesses, throwing more than 100 people out of work just before Christmas. Their henchman justified this action by blaming the locals for not yielding to the Brother's wishes. Twentyfive percent of the island's workforce has been dumped as a result.

Poised above the famous Gouliot Caves and separated by a tiny fast flowing passage the billionaire's Castle is a veritable fortress. Their vast wealth and media empire is such that even the bold and independent press will think twice before headlining this scandal. Other newspapers have been gobbled up simply to teach them to 'tow the line'.

Should the very wealthy have the power to usurp democracy and the freedom of the press?

We will be watching to see how the world protects it's newest, fledgling, democracy against the overwhelming threat from the excesses of the billionaire twin brothers.


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